Friday, October 9, 2009

Before proceeding let's start with a simple program.

printf("Hi this is my first program");

This is a simple program which displays the text in the printf() fuction on the display screen.The first line consists of:-


Where the #include is the preprocessor directive which is used to include a particular header file.Next to it is the ,which is a header file.
The above statement includes the header file.

On the next line is the main() which is used in every program.Next line includes a printf() statement which is used to display output.It is a standard library function.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Before learning any computer language,it is important to learn C language.So lets start learning C.

We will need to know basic things like constants,variables and keywords.

Constants are the entities whose value does not change while variables are a memory location which contain a value which may vary during the program execution.
Keywords are the words whose meaning is already defined to the compiler.